Sunday, February 10, 2008


Ok, so its been a bit since I have had a chance to update all of you on what is going on here in texas.

Where should I start. At the beginning of this year, I had my 25th birthdayJ My mother came out to visit us from germany and my brother came down from Minnesota. It was a wonderful birthday present. My brother fell instantly in love with ada. She was soooo spoiled. Between my mother and brother, I don’t think she was ever put down.

2 weeks later, Leo’s bestfriend Ron came out and visited with us for a weekend. It was not long enough. By Monday we were all sad to see him leave, especially Ada, she fell head over heals in love with him. He did however say he would be coming back out in march for a week.

Leo and I are now in the final stages of purchasing a house. Its brand new but being sold as a resale. Its 3 bedrooms 2 full bathrooms a full kitchen and dining area and big back yard. Right now we are just waiting for the seller to agree to fix what needs to be fixed and then once they get fixed, we will sign and the house will be ours. We are very excited to move it. We cant wait until we can finally have a place to call our own/

Leo’s 25th birthday is just around the corner. Hopefully we can get the house by then, but if not, he is still getting a big grill from me for his birthday. (Don’t worry, he already knows about it. He helped pick it out.)

If I didn’t mention it previously, in January we also adopted a new dog. His name is Sid. He is now 7 months old. Sid is a Shar-pei/ Irish wolf hound mix. If you have no idea what that looks like, look at my myspace page under the pics of sid. ( )

Back in November, I started a new job as a call center associate working for a flooring company called Empire Today. If you are in any of the service areas, Im sure you have seen the many many TV commercials with the empire today guy…
Well, ive have been loving my job. I actually have gotten 2 commendations from customers and one of those commendations was nominated for a Customer Service Success Story Award. I didn’t get first place, however, I did get honorable mention, which got me into out quarterly news letter and I have now a certificate for my honorable mention. I have also applied for a promotion as a team lead, which is like a supervisor for all the customer service associates in our office, so cross your fingers that I get it.

Ada is growing sooo fast. She is now eating finger foods ( no teeth yet though) and trying to move and get into everything. She still cant crawl, however she can scoot, and scoot she does. She spends most of her time at home on the floor scooting around, playing with toys, and trying to untie shoe laces. She get more and more animated everday and is always making new sounds. Soon she will be running around and talking up a storm.

This is Leo’s last year in the army. We actually get out in October of this year, however starting in April, Leo will start applying for jobs. He hopes to get hired as a Postal Worker in El paso. They are always needing new workers and always hire ex service members first. They start making good money, but once he gets hired on full time he will be making something in the twenty something an hour. That will be nice increase from the army’s pay.

Well that’s about it for now. But I will try to keep you updated as much as I can.


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