Monday, September 24, 2007

El Paso Air Show

So yesterday (sunday) The el paso air show was going on. Leo and i went there at about 11 am with ada. They were featuring the thunderbirds and the golden nights. I wanted to see both of them and go to all the booths. Leo and I made sure that ada wore headphones so that we wouldnt damage her ears. Here are some pics of ada at the show.

We saw a plane doing some cool stunts in the air when we got there.

We also saw this nasa plane called "the guppy". It carries really big equipment and other smaller planes. This is what it looks like.

Its very weird looking, and it doesnt look like it would fly but it does.
Nasa also brought their shuttle carrying plane. Leo and I didnt go up it that morning because we had ada and her stroller with us.
After a while we got really hungry and went home to eat. Leo got tired and so he and ada stayed home while i went back with our friend Carpenter.
That afternoon we were able to see the thunderbirds but found out that we had missed the golden knights perform. :( But here are a few pics of the Thunderbirds.

We also saw an helicopter that Carpenter loved. Its the apache longbow helicopter. Here is a pic of him in front of it.

We got to see some F-16 planes. I took pics to pretend i was getting sucked in to the here they are.

We also were able to go aboard the NASA shuttle carrier. When we were in there, we jokingly asked one of the people working there if we would be able to go past the roped off section and see the cockpit. Suprisingly he said "Sure!"...........We were shocked. We were the only people he let up there. He let us sit the pilot and co-pilot seats and even had us "fix" part of the gauges.... now when i say fix, what i mean is, 2 of the gauges were malfunctioning a bit, so Carpenter and I were each about to Tap them back into working order. It was cool, we all joked that we could now put on our resumes that we were "NASA Mechanics" Here are some pics from the cockpit.

This is a pic of Mountains in El Paso from the cockpit window. And a Pic of the air show from the window. Below that, the cabniet on the right side of the pic is where they keep the blackbox.

That day was so much fun. I also got really burned on my arms and chest which i didnt think was possible since I am already really tan. Leo slightly burned his face but nothing like
Well i gonna go. There are new shows on tv that i want to watch. Bye:)


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