Monday, September 24, 2007

El Paso Air Show

So yesterday (sunday) The el paso air show was going on. Leo and i went there at about 11 am with ada. They were featuring the thunderbirds and the golden nights. I wanted to see both of them and go to all the booths. Leo and I made sure that ada wore headphones so that we wouldnt damage her ears. Here are some pics of ada at the show.

We saw a plane doing some cool stunts in the air when we got there.

We also saw this nasa plane called "the guppy". It carries really big equipment and other smaller planes. This is what it looks like.

Its very weird looking, and it doesnt look like it would fly but it does.
Nasa also brought their shuttle carrying plane. Leo and I didnt go up it that morning because we had ada and her stroller with us.
After a while we got really hungry and went home to eat. Leo got tired and so he and ada stayed home while i went back with our friend Carpenter.
That afternoon we were able to see the thunderbirds but found out that we had missed the golden knights perform. :( But here are a few pics of the Thunderbirds.

We also saw an helicopter that Carpenter loved. Its the apache longbow helicopter. Here is a pic of him in front of it.

We got to see some F-16 planes. I took pics to pretend i was getting sucked in to the here they are.

We also were able to go aboard the NASA shuttle carrier. When we were in there, we jokingly asked one of the people working there if we would be able to go past the roped off section and see the cockpit. Suprisingly he said "Sure!"...........We were shocked. We were the only people he let up there. He let us sit the pilot and co-pilot seats and even had us "fix" part of the gauges.... now when i say fix, what i mean is, 2 of the gauges were malfunctioning a bit, so Carpenter and I were each about to Tap them back into working order. It was cool, we all joked that we could now put on our resumes that we were "NASA Mechanics" Here are some pics from the cockpit.

This is a pic of Mountains in El Paso from the cockpit window. And a Pic of the air show from the window. Below that, the cabniet on the right side of the pic is where they keep the blackbox.

That day was so much fun. I also got really burned on my arms and chest which i didnt think was possible since I am already really tan. Leo slightly burned his face but nothing like
Well i gonna go. There are new shows on tv that i want to watch. Bye:)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A bit boring, but isnt that what a blog is for?

Well, not a whole lot of new news but i figured, since i am just sitting here at 830 in the morning, drinking my coffee and watching TV while Ada plays in her bouncy chair, i will write a bit o' blog.

Since last i wrote (.....he he, I'm trying to sound all literal and stuff....) i have decided we need to cook dinner more and sit at the table. So far we have done it the last 2 nights, well, the table part at least, but since the 15Th, i have actually been cooking every night. Not saying that everything was great, but edible at the least.

Ada is eating baby food so well, she loves it and devours it every meal. I swear, she is going to eat us out of house and home. LOL. Here is a few pics of her eating. (these are of her first taste of baby food)

I thought i had more pics of her eating, but i guess i don't. Anyway, she always opens her mouth wide, and i swear she says ummmm, while eating...LOL
My mother sent us a mobile for over Ada's changing table. OMG! She loves it! She just stares at it. Here are some pics of her being fascinated with it.

Here are some more random pics of Ada.

OK, now onto Leo.

He is doing OK. He is getting tired from work and usually comes home sore. He now has physical therapy twice a week in the pool for his legs. He loves it but he also says it is a hard work out. Other than that he is just the same ol' Leo. He still loves playing on his computer, but i am trying to ween his hours on it down so he spends more time with us.

Lets see now, whats new with me? I enrolled in college for January, its so far away and i cant stand it. I am trying to find a cheap gym with child care so i can work out 2 times a week and get out of the house. I get bored most days, because after the cleaning and laundry, there isn't much to do. Of course Ada and i play all day long, but a woman needs to get out some times. LOL. Hence looking for a gym, plus i still want to get a bit more in shape, and its too hot during the day to go for a walk with Ada.

On October 5Th, Leo and i will have been married for 1 year!!! OMG, has is only been that long.LOL.... For our anniversary, we are going to see this artist called Gunther Von Hagens, here is a pic of his work, along with a LINK.
It looks very interesting. We will also be going out to dinner some where, but we aren't sure where. Obviously it wont be a pricey place, probably just apple bees or Chile's. We cant afford really nice, but for us, as long as we are together, that's all we want.
Well, i think that's about it for now.
For those who don't know, the easiest way to see new pics of us, especially Ada, is to visit my MYSPACE.COM page. I update the pics regularly. The address is:
Click on it to visit.
Otherwise, keep in touch.:)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

We all got sick, went to the....

OK. So the last couple days have been a bit interesting.

On Wed we got our house hold goods. FINALLY! We now dont have to sleep on the couch. We will be taking pics soon of what our house looks like and i will post them on here.

Thursday, i woke up with an incredibly bad headache, well it felt like a tension headache, but when 2 tyolenol 3 with codine didnt stop it, i knew it just had to be an ear infection, AGAIN! Then that night as i am feeding ada, she starts pulling at her right ear and getting fussy, great, she is acting like she also has another ear i call telenurse and they say get an appt for friday or if you cant go to the er. So i call on friday morning. Neither Ada or I can get an appt and leo tried to get one for an infected toe, NO LUCK! so we all troop down to the ER. The triage nurse there however was able to get us appts at the clinic so that we didnt have to wait hours in the ER.

So, Leo's appt is first. His toe is very infected to the point its smelling bad... sorry TMI.... but he had been trying to just self medicate, which obviously didnt work, so the doc put him on 14 days antibiotics, and he has to soak his toe twice a day. Now its my turn. YEP, an ear infection, so im now on antibiotics, which are makin me soooo sleepy, for 10 days....

Finally ada has her appt. She does NOT have an ear infection, turns out she is perfectly healthy, EXCEPT for the fact that she JUST started teething hard core. Hence the fussiness. So now we have to give her tylenol every 4 hours. She is always fussy unless on pain meds, she drools hardcore when her meds are stoping to work, and she is eating sooo much. She doesnt like to take naps but she is soooo tired, Luckily we got our rocking chair on wed. so i am able to rock her to sleep.

Its 630pm right now and its still 95 degrees out..... the residents of EP are telling us that hopefully in the next week it should start to cool down as much as 10 degrees during the day. YEAH!! (we bought a 2nd AC unit anyway)

I start college in January. I am working on my Criminal Justice degree specifying in Homeland Security. in otherwords i can be a customs agent here at the EP airport. And from what we hear, they make some good cash for just sitting and asking, "do you have any food or items to declare?..."

I will only be able to go part time right now (6 credits) because we cant afford for me to go fulltime. As it is, its going to cost around 500 bucks for tuision and books. And that is even with me considered a TX resident....its pricey but nothing compared to what it would have cost me in MN.

Well im gonna get going, Leo is going to be home soon and we are having a friend over for Boardgame Night.

Please feel free to email me at i miss hearing from you. ALSO, if you want my phone number, EMAIL ME and i will send it on over.