Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome to Texas!

OK, This is obviously a new blog. I couldn't continue with the postcards from europe blog since we are now back in the states so i started this one.

So the last time i wrote, we had just found out we were moving and we has started getting ready. Lets start from there.

So on the 18th and 20th of July, all of our things were packed and shipped off to texas. On the 20th we were moved into the temporary housing apartments. They were nice. They were a fully furnished 2 bedroom apt with free cable and internet. Not bad. Boring though. We didnt have a car, Leo sold his and mine was crushed, So we had to walk everywhere and it was HOT!

On the 28th, we got up early, like 4am i think, because we had to take a 6am shuttle to get to the airport on time to catch our 10:55am flight. We pre boarded because of ada. That was nice. We sat in the middle of the plane but luckily we were able to get the 3 seats next to the isle so i was able to get up and down to toss diapers. Ada was sooooo good. She didnt need any meds to quiet her down at all. She either slept, ate or played with us.

On the plane, every seat had their own video screen so we could watch what we wanted, or listen to music. It was nice because it was a very very long flight to dallas. It was a 10 hour flight. When we touched down in dallas, everyone around us was complimenting ada because she was so quite. Half the people didnt even know she was on the plane:)

We had a 3 hour lay over in dallas. It was a nice lay over. We slept and had our first Starbucks in 2 years!!!

Then we pre-boarded to get to el paso. The flight was a fast hour long flight. Ada and leo slept while i looked out the window. El Paso is in the middle of NOWHERE!! LOL. its literally surrounded by desert.

Well, we touch down and take a cab to base. We find out we need to go check in to the hotel. Too bad it was full. Now we didnt have any credit cards or cash on us. Only checks, so we couldnt get a hotel off base......GRRRR! Its now 9pm and we have no place to stay and we are tired and angry. Luckily there was a room open at the armed services YMCA. And they took checks.!!!!!! But when we get there, we find out their machine isnt working.. So we have no more money for taxis and we cant get a room. LUCKILY there was a nice couple that was leaving the army that offered to pay for our first night. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! we were so lucky there were there.

The next morning we go on base and get cash out by writing a check. We did pay the guy back and thanked them. For the next few days we just lounge and walk around the area we are in. We however had to pay for our hotel, (we thought the army was suppose to, but they only pay us back AFTER we sign in). so we had NOOO money.

When monday rolled around, we went to housing and they got us a house right away. We couldnt move in til the 8th of august but that was fine.

Once we knew we had a house, we decided to check out the local humane society and get a dog. We walked in and at once saw leos dream dog. A pure breed husky puppy. The same age as ada also. She has one ice blue eye and one brown, and she was only 85 bucks. Can you believe that??? we adopted her right away.

I dont want to bore you with all the details of us lounging around the hotel til move in day so i wont.

Once we moved in all we had was our suit cases and a blow up mattress. So we went and got some food, a blanket and that was it.

Luckily our unaccompanied house goods came 3 weeks early so we were able to have adas crib, our clothing, adas swing and our books.

Of course we had money now and had to get somethings. We bought dishes, pots and pans, food, a shower curtain, a microwave and coffee maker, a humidafier for ada (she came down with an upper respitory infection and an ear ache), and some other random things.

That friday, we recieved the car that leos dad lent us. OH That is helping so much.

That tuesday we got our ac installed. let me just say that helps a ton.

We saw a couch and love seat on the side of the road and moved that in. But that night we discovered it had black widows in them so we tossed them outside right away.

A few days later we went to the thrift store and bought a corner couch with storage and pull out bed for 65 bucks, a 29 inch tv for 28 bucks, a 4 piece toaster, and a few things i cant remember.

Right now we are doing great. We have cable and internet. I love being a stay a home mom. And we have a place to sleep. ( we now sleep on the couch/bed because our air mattress has a hole).

Well next pay day (saturday) we are buying a cheap rocking chair at a mexican market in town for 20 bucks, and getting a few other things we need. We are still broke until we get the rest of our household goods, hopefully they come soon.

Until then, here are some pics. Click on the link below and you will be taken to them. If you need either Leo or my cell numbers, leave a comment and i will get back to you. Enjoy the pics.

PS: Ada is 4 months old as of August 28th!!!! She is getting so big, gooing and ahhing and everything.